
Post-Pandemic Primary Care:Respond, Recover, Rebuild Primary care has risen to the challenge of COVID-19 and while we wouldn’t dare say we have become used to its sweeping impacts on our work and lives, we can say we have adjusted to provide the best care
Welcome to the Bright Lights Hall of Fame for information on all the nominations for the Bright Lights Awards! Presented by Boehringer Ingelheim Browse by theme:  Theme 1: Demonstrating a Community Response to COVID-19 Theme 2: Small, rural, and Northern Teams that have taken care
Post-Pandemic Primary Care: Respond, Recover, Rebuild The AFHTO 2021 Conference program is built around 5 core themes.   ConFERENCE Theme Descriptions Download a printable PDF of the theme descriptions here. Beyond our walls: expanding access to
On October 8 AFHTO named the winners of our annual Bright Lights Awards at our first ever virtual ceremony. These innovators have improved primary care through their leadership, outstanding work and significant progress made toward improving the value
Our concurrent session presentations are organized into seven timeslots (four on Day 1, three on Day 2) and five themes. To help you plan your conference schedule, we have arranged the sessions by date, concurrent session, time, theme, and title. Concurrent Session Selection
Our concurrent session presentations are organized into seven timeslots (four on Day 1, three on Day 2) and five themes. To help you plan your conference schedule, we have arranged the sessions by date, concurrent session, time, theme, and title. Concurrent Panel Sessions The
Our presentations are organized into five themes. To help you plan your conference schedule, we have arranged the sessions by date, theme, and title. Session Selection Presentations were chosen by working groups consisting of AFHTO members across Ontario, representing the full
We are now sharing more information on all the nominations for the Bright Lights Awards! See the Bright Lights Hall of Fame below for all submissions and their details. Browse by theme:  Theme 1: Mental health and addiction support in primary care Theme 2: Integrating digital health and
Tectonic shifts: rebuilding primary care in a new world The AFHTO 2020 Conference program is built around 5 core themes.   Concurrent Theme Descriptions Download a printable PDF of the theme descriptions here. Mental health and addiction support
AFHTO has named the winners of our annual Bright Lights Awards. These innovators have improved primary care through their leadership, outstanding work and significant progress made toward improving the value delivered by interprofessional primary care teams throughout Ontario. Bright Lights
Health System Integration Built on the Foundation of Team-Based Primary Health Care   The AFHTO 2019 Conference program is built around 6 core themes.   Concurrent Theme Descriptions Download a printable PDF of the theme descriptions here. Access to care: improving access to
Our concurrent session presentations are organized into six 45-minute timeslots (two on Day 1, four on Day 2) and six themes. To help you plan your conference schedule, we have arranged the sessions by date, concurrent session, time, theme, and title. Concurrent Session Selection Concurrent