Supporting Caregivers Supports Patients- The Critical Role of Primary Care in Preventing Caregiver Burnout

Thu, November 24, 2022
ZOOM Webinar



There are 4 million caregivers across Ontario, providing an estimated 75% of the care to family members, partners, friends, or neighbours. Caregiver well-being has an impact on patient health outcomes – well-supported caregivers are more likely to provide better care. Primary care providers can play a key role in preventing burnout and enhancing caregiver well-being by initiating early interventions and connecting caregivers to support.

Strengthening mental healthcare delivery in primary care

The OMA and the Primary Care Collaborative have released a joint policy paper with recommendations to strengthen mental healthcare delivery in primary care.

The rate of new mental health and addiction diagnoses is increasing, exacerbated by the ongoing impacts of the pandemic. Approximately three-quarters of Canadians rely on their primary care provider to address their mental health needs, but there are longstanding system gaps that must be addressed to enhance the ability of primary care doctors to deliver mental health care.

Wellness Check: Dealing with Transitions and Managing Stress

Thu, September 15, 2022
ZOOM Webinar

​HOSTED BY AFHTO & Canadian mental health association ontario 

Uncertainty and unpredictability have been constants throughout the duration of the pandemic as has the need to navigate transitions. In this webinar, participants will have the opportunity to gain insight into change processes and their impact on workplace mental health. Strategies for managing hybrid working models and combating stress will also be explored.