
Advancing Equity in Cancer Screening for Gender-Diverse Clients

Fri, June 17, 2022
ZOOM Webinar

HOSTED BY the alliance for healthier communities, indigenous primary health care council, nurse practitioner led clinics association, association of family health teams of ontario and ontario health

Ontario Health has developed new, gender-affirming cancer screening guidelines to support the health and wellbeing of Trans and Non-Binary clients. These groups often have lower screening rates than their peers due to outreach that misses eligible clients and screening practices that can trigger gender dysphoria.

Practical Technologies that can Enable Ageing in Place

Thu, May 19, 2022
ZOOM Webinar

HOSTED BY Sinai health, national institute of ageing, university health network & primary care collaborative

Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Geriatrics at Sinai Health and University Health Network (UHN) and Director of Health Policy Research at the National Institute on Ageing (NIA), will be presenting on Practical Technologies that can Enable Ageing in Place on May 19, from 9:00 – 10:00am EDT. This webinar is presented by Sinai Health, in partnership with the NIA, UHN, and the Primary Care Collaborative.

IPAC Strategies to Ensure a Safe Environment in Primary Care Clinics

Thu, April 14, 2022
ZOOM Webinar

In partnership the members of the Primary Care Collaborative, Public Health Ontario (PHO) provided infection prevention and control (IPAC) information to those working in clinical office settings. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Primary Care practices rapidly transitioned to providing services to their patients through a hybrid of in-person and virtual visits. Virtual care has left clinicians feeling disconnected from their patients and a goal of both clinicians and all those providing support to clinical office practice is to continue a safe return to in-person care.

2022/23 Collaborative QIP Overview and Supports

Tue, January 18, 2022
ZOOM Webinar

Looking for support with your 2022-23 collaborative Quality Improvement Plan? This webinar can help.

In partnership with the Alliance for Healthier Communities (AOHC) and the Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics Association (NPLCA), we are hosting a  webinar to help primary care teams better understand Collaborative Quality Improvement Plans (cQIP) and start planning theirs for 2022/23.

Respiratory Care during COVID-19: What have we learned one year later

Wed, April 21, 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic has required healthcare professionals to change the way care is delivered and has allowed for the development of innovative practices and partnerships for the continued provision of quality care.
This webinar will highlight practice changes and considerations for the diagnosis and management of chronic lung diseases such as COPD. This includes highlighting the challenges of respiratory diagnostics such as spirometry testing and policies and changes that were needed to provide a safe testing environment.

Your Role in Improving the Population Health of People at Risk or Living with Diabetic Foot Complications

Thu, April 15, 2021

Hosted by AFHTO & Wounds Canada

This interactive webinar will provide an overview of your role to improve the population health of people at risk or living with diabetic foot complications across the full continuum of care settings to improve patient experience, outcomes and costs. 


By the end of the webinar participants will:

Saegis Cybersecurity Clinic Update 2021

Thu, March 04, 2021

Hosted by saegis and afhto

2020 was an unprecedented year in many ways, including the volume of breaches against Canadian healthcare organizations. We will explore Canadian data/trends from the Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity, discuss the top security threats facing your team, and explore best practices to decrease the risk of breaches in the clinic setting. We will take a look at what a cyber attack looks like, and how to respond if one should happen. 

After this webinar you will be able to:

Learnings from primary care: Vaccine roll-out across Ontario

Fri, February 26, 2021

On February 26, we heard from teams that have stepped up to provide leadership for vaccine distribution in their communities. They spoke to work that is underway, including roll-out and operation of mass immunization clinics, utilisation of mobile units to reach vulnerable people, and collaboration with primary care partners.

They shared unique examples of work in their regions; offered guidance and advice; and spoke to planning considerations and lessons learned.

The following leaders presented and answered questions:

Engaging and Supporting Caregivers in Primary Care Teams: Working together to improve outcomes and enhance the patient, caregiver, and family experience

Thu, February 25, 2021
Zoom Webinar

Hosted by Ontario Caregiver Organization & AFHTO

The Ontario Caregiver Organization is pleased to offer a learning opportunity for AFHTO members. There are 3.3 million family caregivers in Ontario who play a critical role in health outcomes. This webinar will highlight resources and opportunities for primary care teams to support and engage caregivers: