Post-Pandemic Primary Care:Respond, Recover, Rebuild

Primary care has risen to the challenge of COVID-19 and while we wouldn’t dare say we have become used to its sweeping impacts on our work and lives, we can say we have adjusted to provide the best care possible for patients under trying circumstances.
Teams have had to cross chasms to take care of our communities but now, while the end may seem to be a pinprick of light in the distance, it is at least in sight. But in many ways, there is an equally daunting future.
We only have an inkling of what lies ahead – delayed care, ongoing effects of the pandemic and the complex interactions of these with our society- but we need to prepare for it. To move forward we need to act to make healthcare better- we need to respond, recover, and rebuild.
Registration is now open!
- Register an individual or team for the conference
- Early-bird registration closes October 20, 2021.
- Members receive a significant discount on registration. Poster presenters and planning committee members are also eligible for additional discounts
- Find out more about registration fees and discounts
- Conference and registration FAQs
Conference Program
See our schedule for current information on our detailed and varied conference program.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Increase your corporate visibility with leaders from primary care organizations across Ontario by sponsoring at the AFHTO 2021 Conference.
Conference key dates*:
- August 27, 2021- Conference registration opens
- August 30, 2021- Deadline for Bright Lights nominations
- October 20, 2021- Early-bird registration ends
- October 27 & 28, 2021- AFHTO 2021 Conference
* The conference date is set but all other dates are subject to change as needed.
To get the latest news and updates, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and sign up for our email list (form available on home page).
Future AFHTO Conferences:
For the forward planners, AFHTO’s conference dates for future years are listed below.
- October 12, 2022