IPAC Assessment for Primary Care, Specialty and Walk-in Clinics during COVID-19

Shared by Public Health Ontario

Shared on October 20, 2020

Resource includes:

This infection prevention and control (IPAC) checklist for primary care, specialty and walk-in clinics addresses specific items that are pertinent during this COVID-19 pandemic and:

  • Can support these settings in examining, evaluating (e.g., self-assessment) and re-evaluating their current IPAC practices using provincial recommendations (e.g., Ministry of Health, Public Health Ontario) as required.
  • Can help guide public health units (PHUs), regulatory colleges and professional associations in conducting assessments/inspections related to IPAC practices.
  • Can support plans and preparation for the resumption of services during this COVID-19 pandemic.
  • From this point forward, the term primary care will represent primary care, specialty and walk-in clinics

Contents include:

1. Restart planning and preparation; 2. Reception and waiting area(s); 3. Screening staff, patients and visitors; 4. Positive screening: Providing care; 5.Personal protective equipment (PPE); 6. Hazard controls; 7. Physical capacity/environment; 8. Critical supplies and equipment;  9. Human resources/occupational health and safety; 10. Environmental cleaning; 11. Reprocessing of reusable medical equipment/devices; 12. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)

Click here for the Infection Prevention and Control Assessment for Primary Care, Specialty and Walk-in Clinics during COVID-19 Checklist [PDF]
