Improving care for persons with serious mental illness

August 31 - 6:00 PM - Toronto.  Dr. Benjamin Druss, a specialist in improving the physical health of individuals with serious mental illness will be coming to Toronto on August 31st, 2011 to do a free evening talk. This talk is focused on individuals working in the primary care field. As the  first Rosalynn Carter Chair in Mental Health at  Emory University, Dr .  Druss is working to  build linkages between mental health, general medical health, and  public health .   He works closely with  Carter Center Mental Health Program, where he is a member of the  Mental Health Task Force and Journalism Task Force.  He  has  been  a member of two  Institute of Medicine Committees, and  has  served as  an  expert consultant to  the  Substance Abuse and  Mental Health Services Administra­ tion, the  Centers for  Disease Control, and  the  Assistant Secre­ tary for  Planning and  Evaluation. Dr.  Druss's  research focuses on  improving physical health and healthcare  among persons with  serious mental disorders .   He has published more  than 120  peer-reviewed articles on this and related topics, including the  first randomized trial of an  inter­vention to  improve medical care in this population in  2001 .   His research is funded by grants from the  National Institute  of Mental Health and  the  Agency  for  Healthcare  Quality and  Re­ search, and  he serves as  a standing  member of an  NIMH  study section .   He has  received a number of  national awards for  his work, including the  American Psychiatric  Association Early Ca­ reer Health Services Research Award, the  AcademyHealth Arti­ cle-of-the-Year Award, and  the  AcademyHealth Alice  S.  Hersh New Investigator Award. Event takes place Aug.31, 2011 @ 6 PM at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 252 Bloor St. W. Toronto. RSVP