EMR queries for D2D – EMR Data Quality: Coded Diagnosis - Diabetes

The EMR queries below were  developed by QIDSS and the EMR Communities of Practice to help you extract data for submission to D2D.

Telus PS Accuro Nightingale OSCAR P&P


NOTE: All queries are tested and validated prior to release. However, changes that take place after the queries are released may affect how accurate they are. Such changes could include EMR software updates, new medications, and changes to standard clinical definitions. They may result in false positives, that is, patients being flagged who do not have the specified condition. They may also result in false negatives, that is, patients not being flagged who do have the condition. Queries are also limited by the quality of your EMR data.


Telus PS 

The D2D EMR Data Quality Diabetes Coded v1 searches (.srx files) will extract data neccessary to calculate the percent of patients with diabetes whose diagnosis is recorded with a code in the appropriate place in the EMR. Save these searches to your desktop and import into your EMR. You might need the help of your QIDSS, IT staff or other person who usually run queries in your EMR. This guide provides screenshots of the searches along with instructions on how to import the searches into your EMR. Share you challenges and successes with the Telus PS CoP or contact us for more information.


Please find the D2D EMR Data Quality DM Coded v1 numerator and denominator queries on Publisher. You might need the help of your QIDSS, IT staff or any other person who usually run queries in your EMR. Share you challenges and successes with the Accuro CoP or contact us for more information.


The D2D EMR data quality diabetes coded denominator query based on the case definition developed CPCSSN has proven difficult to build. Please contact us if you have a query for Nightingale that you’d like to share or if you have any suggestions for this work.


Two sets of queries were created as a result of query run time issues. The following set of queries search for diabetic patients for all physicians. If you experience excessive query run time you can use the queries that run for each physician. Download either set of  queries to your computer and import into your EMR. You might need the help of your QIDSS, IT staff or any other person who usually run queries in your EMR. Share your challenges and successes with the OSCAR CoP or contact us for more information.


The D2D EMR Data Quality Diabetes Coded query is currently under development. Please contact us if you have a query for P&P that you’d like to share or if you have any suggestions for this work.