Tom Richard is a community family physician practicing in Peterborough since 2003. He has been heavily involved in the Peterborough Family Health Team since its inception. PFHT is comprised of 5 FHO’s that serve over 105,000 people. It is made up of over 80 physicians and over 80 Allied Health Providers. Since 2006 he has served as a Board Director for PFHT and for the last 5 years served as Chair. Tom also enjoys his role as an Assistant Professor with the Department of Family Medicine at Queen’s University since 2010 and enjoys teaching Residents and Medical Students. Tom graduated from Western University’s Family Medicine Program in 1989 before practicing rural medicine in Gananoque, Ontario from 1989 until 2003. In 2015, he received the Chartered Director designation from The Director’s College at DeGroote Business School. He has a keen interest in governance and strategic planning.